My answer is always the same... "we have a fantastic, loyal audience. We do it for them."
That's not a bunch of BS. It's the truth. EB and I do this because we have an audience that (for some mysterious reason) comes back week after week and believes in us.
But here's something you may not realize....We believe in you too.
We believe in you so much, we told Project Angel Food in Los Angeles that if they partnered with us on Theme Park Change, the event would be a slam dunk. EB and I believed that we'd easily raise thousands of dollars for this amazing charity because we were absolutely positive that every one of our listeners would come through.
We were even more hopeful when 30 different theme park fan sites and podcasts came on-board. They stepped up and promoted the event with enthusiasm and energy.
We were also thrilled when 15 different parks and amusement industry businesses agreed to donate prizes for our raffle. They believed the theme park fan community was a generous group and they wanted to do their best to encourage a lot of donations.
We even had the amazing Neil Patrick Harris volunteer to lend his name to the campaign. Hell, NPH even starred in the promotional video by shooting footage of himself with his iPad 2!
So with all of this support, we were sure that this event would be a runaway success.
Well, we're now in the final week of Theme Park Change and we have raised around $1,500.
Like I said on this week's show, that's no small amount of money. But with all the support I just mentioned, it needs to be more. It has to be more!
Project Angel Food deserves more.
So, I humbly ask you to go to right now and give whatever you can. I don't care if it's a dollar or five dollars or 100 dollars.... as long as it's something.
By giving up a small part of your summer season, you're doing an amazing thing! You're helping someone who is suffering deeply, but at the same time, you're telling them that you care. You're telling them that you stand by them and that they aren't alone.
If you have a problem donating, like not having a credit card or if you're worried about entering your personal information into the website... let me know! I'll figure out a way to get your cash donation to Project Angel Food. Don't let anything stand in your way!
If you absolutely can not make a donation, help us out by spreading the word on Theme park Blogs, Message Boards, Facebook and Twitter.

$2,500 buys 500 meals for the people that Project Angel Food serves. That's a good round number, but it's not nearly enough.
So, let's do our best during this last week of Theme Park Change to shatter that goal! We can do it!
Great things happen in this life when people get up off the couch and participate. Can we count on you?
I still believe.... I really do.
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