R.C., one of our long-time listeners, has come up with an idea that he'd like to sponsor to encourage more people to donate to Theme Park Change.
Here is his idea:
Starting at 12am EDT Friday April 29 the first 50 people to donate $10, or more, to Project Angel Food through Theme Park Change will automatically have $1 added to their donation, thanks to Coasterradio.com listener R.C. Mayer.
Make your donation as soon as possible, because this challenge ends at 9pm EST Saturday April 30.
We're in the final hours of this project and this is a great way to have your donation make an even bigger impact!
Remember every $10, or more, donation also gives you an chance to win great prizes donated by Theme Park Change partners!
Thanks R.C.!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
R.C's Challenge To You!!!
Posted by
Mike Collins
10:32 PM
Labels: Theme Park Change
CoasterRadio.com #427 - Tough Love
Talk about this episode by leaving a comment here on the blog.
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:36 PM
Labels: podcast, Theme Park Change
Joel Is A Hero
There have been a lot of ups and downs filled with highs and lows. Sometimes our adrenalin has been pumping and other times we have felt sick to our stomach.
However, there is one story that sums up the spirit of this project.
A few weeks ago, Neil Patrick Harris crowned the winner of our "Day at the Park with Neil" Contest. It was Joel from Hawaii who won with the picture you see on the right.
Joel won a one-day, one-park ticket to any theme park anywhere.
A week or so after the announcement, Joel contacted us through Facebook to discuss the various options and what park he might choose.
But before I had a chance to respond, Joel did something amazing and unexpected.
He was going to choose a one-day ticket to Walt Disney World valued at $87.33 with tax. He asked if he could donate the cost of his prize (plus an additional $12.67) for a grand total of $100 to Project Angel Food through Theme Park Change.
Joel had won the contest! The ticket to Walt Disney World was his! But he gave it up!
Joel made a sacrifice because he knew helping out someone in need was more important than a day at the park.
So, as we enter the last few days of Theme Park Change, I hope you'll be inspired by Joel's example and follow his lead.
There need to be more people like him in the world.
Posted by
Mike Collins
11:02 AM
Labels: "Day at the Park with Neil" Contest, Theme Park Change
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mike on Nick's ERT Show!
This week, I got to hang out with the U.K.'s favorite son, Nick Hutson on his ERT Show.
We talked about his recent trip to Alton Towers.
I have to say, I think I did pretty good talking about a park I have never visited before! Take a listen!
Posted by
Mike Collins
10:57 PM
Labels: Season Pass Podcast
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I Still Believe...
My answer is always the same... "we have a fantastic, loyal audience. We do it for them."
That's not a bunch of BS. It's the truth. EB and I do this because we have an audience that (for some mysterious reason) comes back week after week and believes in us.
But here's something you may not realize....We believe in you too.
We believe in you so much, we told Project Angel Food in Los Angeles that if they partnered with us on Theme Park Change, the event would be a slam dunk. EB and I believed that we'd easily raise thousands of dollars for this amazing charity because we were absolutely positive that every one of our listeners would come through.
We were even more hopeful when 30 different theme park fan sites and podcasts came on-board. They stepped up and promoted the event with enthusiasm and energy.
We were also thrilled when 15 different parks and amusement industry businesses agreed to donate prizes for our raffle. They believed the theme park fan community was a generous group and they wanted to do their best to encourage a lot of donations.
We even had the amazing Neil Patrick Harris volunteer to lend his name to the campaign. Hell, NPH even starred in the promotional video by shooting footage of himself with his iPad 2!
So with all of this support, we were sure that this event would be a runaway success.
Well, we're now in the final week of Theme Park Change and we have raised around $1,500.
Like I said on this week's show, that's no small amount of money. But with all the support I just mentioned, it needs to be more. It has to be more!
Project Angel Food deserves more.
So, I humbly ask you to go to themeparkchange.com right now and give whatever you can. I don't care if it's a dollar or five dollars or 100 dollars.... as long as it's something.
By giving up a small part of your summer season, you're doing an amazing thing! You're helping someone who is suffering deeply, but at the same time, you're telling them that you care. You're telling them that you stand by them and that they aren't alone.
If you have a problem donating, like not having a credit card or if you're worried about entering your personal information into the website... let me know! I'll figure out a way to get your cash donation to Project Angel Food. Don't let anything stand in your way!
If you absolutely can not make a donation, help us out by spreading the word on Theme park Blogs, Message Boards, Facebook and Twitter.

$2,500 buys 500 meals for the people that Project Angel Food serves. That's a good round number, but it's not nearly enough.
So, let's do our best during this last week of Theme Park Change to shatter that goal! We can do it!
Great things happen in this life when people get up off the couch and participate. Can we count on you?
I still believe.... I really do.
Posted by
Mike Collins
12:37 PM
Labels: Theme Park Change
Thursday, April 21, 2011
CoasterRadio.com #526 - Are We In A Romantic Comedy?
This week, I present you with a picture Hugh Grant. Listen to the show to figure out why he's relevant!
This week, the Coaster Radio audience steps up to the mike and tells us about what they believe are the most underrated roller coasters in the world.
We're talking about roller coasters that don't get any love from The Travel Channel, magazines and even from us here at the show.
You'll be pleasantly surprised at some of the suggestions listeners came up with!
We'll also have a Live Trip Report from Six Flags Over Texas and an update on Theme Park Change!
Keep in mind, there is only one week left to donate! We still need a lot of help to reach our goal. So, if you haven't donated yet, don't wait!
To get you inspired to donate, we'll have a visit from a brand new friend! (You won't want to miss this!)
Talk about this episode by leaving a comment here on the blog.
Posted by
Mike Collins
10:39 PM
Labels: Cedar Point, Hersheypark, Indiana Beach, Kings Dominion, Kings Island, podcast, Six Flags Great Adventure, Six Flags Over Texas, Theme Park Change
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Most Underrated Roller Coaster
These are all roller coasters that get talked about a lot!
They're great rides, so they deserve the hype they get in enthusiast circles and the general public.
But there are also some really excellent roller coasters out there that never get talked about. These rides are under appreciated and under publicized.
So, for this week's show, we want to know what rollercoaster you think is the most underrated.
Let us know what you think by joining us on Tuesday, April 19th at 9:30 pm EST at http://live.coasterradio.com.
You'll be able to see and hear us record the show AND we'll give you a special "hotline" phone number that you can use so you can join us live.
Of course, you can still participate in the show through all of the traditional methods.
Send us your answers by posting them right here on the blog by using the "Comments" link below. You can also e-mail us your answer by using the address over on the right or use our Contact Page!
We'll see you LIVE on Tuesday night!
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:06 PM
Labels: interactive question
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Mike Collins Talks About Theme Park Change LIVE!
The great people at Attractions Magazine: The Show invited me on their show this week to pitch "Theme Park Change!"
The interview was conducted by Jessica Steele Allen and was introduced by a face that might be familiar to you... it was Greg Hutson, who is the host of The American Idol Experience at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Greg was the host when I performed there last May!
If you haven't donated yet, please consider doing so NOW! Thanks!
Posted by
Mike Collins
8:02 PM
Labels: Theme Park Change
Friday, April 15, 2011
CoasterRadio.com #525 - The Trip of Lies!
A few months ago, we were doing a show about "The Best Money You've Spent at a Park" and we received a call from Deidre Rodman from The Lascivious Biddies.
She said the best money she spent was when she and her husband bought the "Bride and Groom" Mickey Ears to wear during their recent honeymoon at Walt Disney World.
She said that throughout the trip, they were given free food, free gifts and other special treatment from the cast members at Disney.
When EB and I heard this, we hatched an evil plan. We asked our listening audience for two volunteers who would go to Walt Disney World and pretend to be honeymooners (complete with the Mickey Ears) to test this theory.
Derek and Trisha from Southern California answered the call and what followed was "The Trip of Lies!"
On this week's show, we hear about their trip and find out if the hypothesis was true. Do you get tons of free stuff just for wearing "Bride and Groom" Mickey Ears?
Plus, Derek and Trisha give us the scoop on the rest of their trip, including a review of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal's Islands of Adventure.
Talk about this episode by leaving a comment here on the blog.
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:13 AM
Labels: Disneyland, Theme Park Change, Universal Orlando, Walt Disney World, Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Derek and Trisha's Trip of Lies!
A few weeks ago, we asked our listening audience for two volunteers who would go to Walt Disney World and pretend to be honeymooners (complete with the Mickey Ears) to test a theory.
We believed that people who wear the infamous "Bride and Groom Mouse Ears" would get tons of free stuff, even if they weren't technically newlyweds!
Derek and Trisha from Southern California accepted the challenge and The Trip of Lies was born!
They're back from their trip and filed this scientific report:
Hi guys, Derek and Trisha here! We're back in Southern California and are filing this report about "The Trip of Lies!"
Our hypothesis was:
Bride & Groom Ears = More Magic = Free Stuff
The results were not as spectacular as we all hoped. We did get noticed and acknowledged a lot, just not a single freebie.
About 1 out of every 4 Cast Members told us, "congratulations," many people wanted to know more about our wedding, and a few couples told us they'd honeymooned there and were now back with their kids.
We got a phone call from Mickey Mouse congratulating us, one cast member blew bubbles on us as we walked into the Carousel of Progress, and while ordering at Pecos Bill's Cafe the person taking our order had everyone in the place holler "yehaw!" for us (he later admitted it was his first time, and he was nervous the entire time were ordering, how sweet). Some tourists had a "Flat Stanley" guy and wanted to take pictures of us holding it because we were newlyweds.
So the experiment outcome was:
Bride and Groom Ears = More Magic but NOT Free Stuff
Our conclusion: If it is actually your honeymoon, you'll probably dig everyone congratulating you and talking to everyone about your wedding day. But if it isn't, you're likely not going to get free stuff, and all the talk about your fake wedding won't be as fun as if you really did just get married.
Thanks so much to Derek and Trisha for taking part in our inaugural Trip of Lies. You can hear all about their trip on this week's episode of CoasterRadio.com! Here are some bonus pictures!
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:12 AM
Labels: Walt Disney World
Thursday, April 07, 2011
CoasterRadio.com #524 - Young MC Says "Bust" A Move!
But this week, we're talking about a different type of bust. We'll explore some of the major mistakes and blunders in the 56-year history of the Disney Theme Parks.
To be fair, Disney goes get most everything right. They usually do it better than the other guys 9 times out of 10.
However, our listeners have chimed in with specific instances of parks, attractions and policies that didn't quite hit the mark.
We also have a Live Trip Report from one of the first runs of the new and improved Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion. Did the off-season work make it a #1 ride?
We also are joined by Robert Bauer from Project Angel Food as we give you an update on the progress of Theme Park Change!
Talk about this episode by leaving a comment here on the blog.
Posted by
Mike Collins
11:00 PM
Labels: Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Theme Park Change, Walt Disney World
Monday, April 04, 2011
What is the biggest bust in Disney Theme Park history?
For this week's interactive question, we want to know what you think is the worst move by the Disney Theme Parks since Disneyland opened in 1955.
It could be a certain park, attraction, resort, policy... really anything you can come up with and support with a good argument.
Let us know what you think by joining us on Tuesday, April 5th at 9:30 pm EST at http://live.coasterradio.com.
You'll be able to see and hear us record the show AND we'll give you a special "hotline" phone number that you can use so you can join us live.
Of course, you can still participate in the show through all of the traditional methods.
Send us your answers by posting them right here on the blog by using the "Comments" link below. You can also e-mail us your answer by using the address over on the right or use our Contact Page!
We'll see you LIVE on Tuesday night
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:00 AM
Labels: interactive question
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Cheetah Hunt Progress at Busch Gardens Tampa
Our longtime friend Drebe send in these excellent photos today, showing off the impressive progress made on Cheetah Hunt at Busch Gardens Tampa! Thanks Drebe!
Posted by
Mike Collins
6:25 PM
Labels: busch gardens tampa
Friday, April 01, 2011
"Theme Park Change" Begins TODAY!
As theme park fans, we're very fortunate to be able to head to the parks whenever we want.
But there are some in our community who aren't as fortunate. There are those among us who are suffering from illnesses so severe, that it's difficult to even leave their homes to buy food.
Today, CoasterRadio.com and theme park fan sites everywhere are encouraging people to give up one thing from the upcoming theme park season and donate the cost of that item to a worthy charity.
The project is called "Theme Park Change."
For 2011, all of the proceeds from this event will go to Project Angel Food. This amazing organization cooks & delivers more than 14,000 meals a week to men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life threatening illnesses.
To make things even more interesting, anyone who donates $10 or more is automatically entered into a raffle where they can win one of dozens of excellent theme park prizes!
So check out the video above (staring Neil Patrick Harris) and head to themeparkchange.com to make a donation today!
Posted by
Mike Collins
9:00 AM
Labels: Theme Park Change