Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Motivation for Weight Loss

Over at, a few of the guys are holding a weight loss contest inspired by NBC's "The Biggest Loser."

From what I read, there were some problems fitting on coasters and they're using roller coaster riding as their motivation to lose weight.

If you've surfed any of the coaster forums over the past 5 years, you know that not fitting on roller coasters is becoming a bigger problem all across the U.S. (Pardon the pun.)

It might be because technology is advancing to the point where coasters can be built higher and faster... so the restraints need to be that much better (and tighter).

It might be because more lawyers are getting into mix and making the designers create restraints that aren't friendly to those with a bit more girth.

Or.... it could be that American's are just getting fatter.

I had a wake-up call a year ago when I visited Disneyland.  I didn't have a problem fitting on any rides, but when I got my pictures back, I couldn't believe the picture of the fat guy riding the Matterhorn.

Yeah, it was a picture of me.  I was pissed that I looked so awful in the pictures.  I didn't even want to show them to anyone.  It was then, I decided to do something about it.  So, I started watching what I ate, I exercised more and before I knew it, I had dropped 30 pounds.

It's been so great going to parks this year and not giving a second thought to whether or not I'd fit on the rides.  I also feel a lot better and have even been getting some compliments from the ladies at work.  (That's right, baby.)

So, I'm proud of the guys over at   I'm gonna show some solidarity with them by rededicating myself to diet and exercise so I never gain that 30 pounds back.

Or I might end up taking the "walk of shame" after I don't fit on a ride.

Talk about this in the forum.

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