Monday, May 26, 2008

Come on Discovery Channel!

Memorial Day weekend is a time for Americans to honor their war heroes.

But for those of you who read this blog, you also know it as the official kick off of the theme park season.

Sure, the parks have been open for a few months already, but mostly only on the weekends.

After today, they're all open everyday!

Earlier this decade, I used to look forward to Monday night of the Memorial Day weekend because Discovery Channel used to run a block of programming dedicated to theme parks, amusement parks and water parks.

From about 6pm until midnight, they ran new programs that showed the latest rides and attractions.  Sometimes they even had a show that gave viewers a behind the scenes look at a certain park.

Most of these shows were excellently produced.  More importantly, they signaled the start of summer.  Watching these shows always got me pumped up for upcoming park trips.

If you turn on Discovery Channel tonight, you get shows about catching crabs.  Yes, a whole night of "Deadliest Catch" is on tap for Discovery Channel.  The Travel Channel doesn't have anything amusement park related either.

Since I work in TV, I know the reasons behind why we don't get any new theme park shows.

Maybe the programs were too expensive to produce.  Maybe there wasn't enough compelling content out there.  Most likely though, there just weren't enough people watching to justify the production costs.

Regardless, tonight there won't be any theme park programming on and Memorial Day weekend just won't feel the same.

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