Monday, February 15, 2010

Theme Park Rewards - A Reality?

About two years ago, I wrote a blog post about how theme parks should start up a rewards program for loyal guests.

I figured if there are rewards programs for clothing stores, casinos, hotels, grocery stores, airlines, movie theaters, car rental agencies and restaurants, there should also be programs for theme parks too.

So, I was happy to see when Six Flags recently announced a guest loyalty program called Six Flags Funatics.

Now, I'm not claiming that they got this idea from this blog. But I'm hoping they're the first of many parks to give this a try.

If you're a Six Flags Season Passholder, you'll get Funatics Rewards sent straight to your inbox after every visit in 2010. Some of these rewards include Skip the Line passes, free soft drinks, and an extra Bring-A-Friend Free ticket.

It makes sense... the more you go, the more you get.

This is just one way parks can offer rewards for frequent guests. I'm hoping we see other parks come up with their own unique programs that will encourage us to get out to the parks more.

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