Saturday, December 01, 2012

Two Ways to Participate!

We pride ourselves around here as being one of the most interactive podcasts in the world.

And this week, we have TWO great ways for you to be a part of the show.

First, on this week's episode, we'll be playing a fun new game.

Listeners will hear us ask questions of non-park fans... and you'll have to guess whether or not they will know the correct answer.

It's not as easy as it sounds (but it is a lot of fun!)

If the listener can correctly guess three out of five answers, they'll win a prize out of the patented Prize Closet.


Since it's the holiday season, we want to make some radio magic for the parents out there.  If you have a son or daughter (ages 5-9) who would like a phone call from Santa Claus and his merry elf, we can make it happen!

Of course, Santa will be played by our own Hagrid and the elf will be played by Mr. Shapiro... but we promise that they'll do a good job and keep the "illusion" alive.

As a reward for trusting us, we'll also send the parents something from the patented Prize Closet as well!

If you're interested in either of these opportunities, you can also e-mail us by using the address over on the right, write on our Facebook Page or use our Contact Page!

We're looking forward to having you on the show!

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