Thursday, March 10, 2016

Vote for the Finalists in the 2016 "Reel" Design Contest!

We received dozens and dozens of entries for this year's "Reel" Design Contest - where we give listeners of a chance to design a theme park attraction based on any movie ever made.

We narrowed the entries into 10 Semi-Finalists and then down to the three finalists you see before you.

Check out their ride designs and then VOTE!

Soon, you'll find out if you vote matched our industry experts!

Tim Wilson - Creature from the Black Lagoon
Tom from Louisville - Crimson Peak: Descent into Madness
Kevin Wilson - Dick Tracy: Calling All Cars

1 comment:

  1. Creature from the black lagoon seems like an awesome ride. Dick Tracy sounds to familiar to a ride that was supposed to be built at Disneyworld until the movie disappointed at the box office. It was to be called Dick Tracy crime stoppers
