Thursday, December 01, 2011 #609 - A Lost Episode!

The guys had planned on producing a regular show this week, but Mike came down with a pretty bad case of the flu.

So, after some thought, they decided to enlist the help of Clint Novak from The Coaster Crew and dig out an episode of the show that has never been heard on our podcast feed before!

Let me explain....

Back in 2007, after Coaster Radio 1.0 had gone off the air, Mike, Flava and Mario formed a team to compete in the first ever "Single Riders Marathon" charity event at Kennywood Park.

Now, the marathon had nothing to do with being single.  Instead, it meant that each marathon rider would fill an empty seat on a coaster and complete as many laps as possible during the day.

People would then pledge a certain amount of money for every coaster lap counted.

As part of this event, Flava , Mario and Mike produced an episode of "The Coaster Crew's Guide to the Midway" on-location at the park.

We thought this show was lost forever, but Will Holder was able to dig it up out of the archives this week!

So, since Mike is sick, we decided to play this show for the first time ever on OUR podcast.

For all of you who have missed Flava and Mario... this one's for you.


Direct Podcast Link
Or you can listen online by using the podcast player on the right hand side of this page. 

Talk about this episode by leaving a comment here on the blog.


  1. Really miss those guy's. I wish they would show up even for a skype talk. Really hope one day to see a reunion of the whole gang in real life someday.

  2. I had such a great time hanging out with you guys that day! Going back and listening to this I wish I would have just stopped and reanswered your question and let you do your editing magic rather than stutter through it like I did but oh well.
